Kelsey Klan Kreations

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Fathers Day Daddy....wish you were here.

I just got off the phone with my Dad, He is in Alaska.
"happy fathers day dad"
"thanks sis, your the only one that has told me that today"
My parents drove almost 3000 miles to be closer to my brothers.
My brothers cant even find time to say happy fathers day to him, what they must not understand is that "OUR" father wont be around much longer.
He sounds tired, run down and almost depressed.
I wish I could help him, I wish I could make the pain stop.
I wish we all knew what was going on. I think we do but nobody will step up and own it.
My daughter wanted to be with her dad today. She wanted to have some "daddy time".
What do you tell a 5 year old when her daddy wants to spend time on the phone or with her big brother? NOT HER.
Here she lays curled into a ball on the chair, now asleep. She gave him his gift and he set it on the table, she handed him his card and he set it on the table, didn't even open it. Now she asleep. I hope your happy.

The daughter that he wants so badly to love him, "FORGOT" to call him today. The daughter that wants HIM so badly to love her is sitting right here.


My child, My daughter....I will be your daddy.

They just dont get it.......THEY JUST DONT GET IT

Friday, June 16, 2006


And after! HORRAY!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa


Before............. Posted by Picasa


Here is the finished work...THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

SOOOO Much Work!

Here you can see the incline we had to work with!  Posted by Picasa

Smile big!

Dale helped too! He was the official "Trimmer"
He did a damn good job too!
 Posted by Picasa

So much fun!

Here is Karryn! Thank God for her!  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Let the laying of sod begin!

OKAY folk, here we go! I went and got the sod, Now we are getting ready to lay it down. I have about 4 friends coming over to help us! I hope this all works out right! I am a little nervous, but I think it all will work out.

I will take pictures and post them tonight when it is all finished and done with!
My next project will be my flower garden, Im thinking this wont be nearly as bad! I HOPE ANYWAY!
All I have to do there is lay weed tarp and add some more top soil, level it out and plant my flowers! Im excited to get this all done.
After this project it will be painting the foundation of the house. For some unknown reason our contractor went with a SEA FOAM GREEN seal, it is so ugly I hate it!
Saturday we will start in on the backyard and get the fence going. We decided to do this on our own to save some money
(and the fact that we cant seem to find anyone to build it for us!)
It shouldn't be to hard wither! We do have a friend from church that said he would come help us. He just built his fence and it turned out really good!

Photos to come!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I just cant kick this

I just cant seem to kick this "funk" i am in.
Im feeling a little lost. Wanna sleep all day and all night. Not do a damn thing.
Im home sick, more then I can take.
Kiara will be a year old this month and I have never even seen her...It's not right.
Im working my ass of and cant keep my head above water.
My heart is aching.
My head is spinning.
I just wanna sleep...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Soon to be PRO!

The next thing you know she will be riding with the PRO'S!!!!!!
This is her other buddy Rydell! He sure can ride!
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And she's off!

The next thing we knew she was riding on her own!
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Down to just one hand!

She was getting a little more comfortable with it!  Posted by Picasa

Dont let go Daddy!

Kia kept saying "dont let go Daddy!  Posted by Picasa

It's her first time...

It's Kia's first time on the PW50! She was a little nervous! Daddy and Tawni helped her out! Posted by Picasa

This is my buddy...this is my pal!

Small fry & her buddy Rylea at the Motor Cross track! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 10, 2006


We went to the movies tonight, we went to see cars...Very cute movie for thoses of you who have been thinking about going, it's well worth it! Not much else going on today, cleaned my ass off. Shampooed carpets, bleaced floors, ect...

We have come to the conclusion of sod. My life just got a whole lot easier!

Going to bed now, have a gut ache and headache.

Nighty night

Friday, June 09, 2006

I think I should go back to bed... Im having a day all ready

It's all ready one of thoses days. Im not sure why, but I am in the worste mood. I have not felt very well for the last 4 days. I feel like shit actually. I cant eat, because it maked me so sick. Im SOSOSOSO tired. I could probably sleep for a day or so. I cant get motivated to do anything.
I have to work tonight, and that REALLY SUCKS...I hate working nights. I HATE IT.
I am completly homesick and missing my family more then a person should. I dont know if I will be able to go home this summer. The airfares are oughta control. A person shouldn't have to pay $800.00 dollars just to go home to visit family. Thats just for one person.

Its one of those days...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

honey wheat pretzels!

Kind of a crazy day so far. I took care of my niece again today, she blew her engine in her car from over heating it. She left today, her and her boyfriend stayed 2 nights. They kinda got stuck here. I worked today, nothing new there. I went to the dentist for a cleaning, damn my nouth is sore now. After this I went and got 2 truck loads of dirt for the yard. Shoveled it all out by myself with a shovel. That was tons of fun let me tell you. NOT.
Im missing my dad today. Was listening to a song and got me thinking about him. Wondering how he is. I talked to my mom last night. She is still sick, about a month now. Im not sure what is going on with her, but it cant be good if she is still sick.
I broke my toe. That is never fun at all. It hurts so bad. I have this bad habbit of bending my toes just right so they all pop. I forget about the broken one and try to bend it then peel myself off the cieling cause it hurts so bad.
Well, enough for now. I gotta go work on the yard some more.
More later.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Sleeping Giant

I liked this picture of the mountains out my front window! Posted by Picasa

Look...a new bike!

Daddy got her a new bike today! It looks really big, but its not! Posted by Picasa


Look at that cute smile Posted by Picasa

Say cheese

Took this shot today after small fry put the headband on!  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A goose!

Was at the park and took this picture of the baby goose! I wanted to pick it up and cuddle it but didn't think momma goose would like that too much! Posted by Picasa

Baby Pony!

I love this little guy! I wish he was mine!!!
Notice his markings, the 1, star, 2 on his neck!  Posted by Picasa

Where did the week-end go?

all right, it seems like it was just Friday...Where the heck did the weekend go? Saturday was fun! I woke up early to go to some yard sale's and breakfast with the "ladies". It was fun! JC & KK & I hit some yard sales, found some pretty cool stuff! JC found 2 "build a bear" animals. A great buy, I think she paid $2.00 for them! A screamin deal! KK found a flag on a pole that she was very excited about and promtly posted it on her house! I found a XM system, a really nice one, stilli n the box and all for $10.00, a great thing to have for the RV.
We then went to breakfast at the "beanery", it was sooooo yummy! I had my all famous stuffed french toast, the blue berry kind! Aggghhhh so good! After breakfast I headed home to do the dirty work, literally! My arms, neck & back are so burned, I will have one heck of a tan in a few days! KK & I worked in the yard for 4 hours... Moving dirt, raking dirt, eating dirt, (ok not really, but it seemed like it!)
The yard is now leveled and de-rocked and ready to throw grass seed! We have one more section that needs more dirt, and I think the people are bringing it tomorrow, then I will level it out and toss the seed. I cant wait to get this all done.
All in all it was a fun week-end! Thanks to JC & KK for the fun! I luv you guys!

Friday, June 02, 2006

What the heck is going on?

I have had the oddest few days. 2 days ago I watched a car wreck happen right in front of me, luckily nobody was hurt. I was a little shaken up (as well as the people who wher driving the cars) bu I was ok.
Yesterday, I was backing out of the parking lot at my work and slammed right into a telephone pole. NOT HAPPY. I scratched my car up pretty good, no dents just scratches, but still, I have not had this car very long. OK, so I go have lunch and getting ready to leave I look up and watch ANOTHER car wreck. This one was worse then the first one. This older man was driving down the road, not paying much attention and ran a stop sign, resulting in a "T-bone" crash into another car. The older man got out wwas calm enough, the person that was driving the other car was a young punk that needs his ass beat, He jumped out of the car and gets in Grandpa's face, were talking inches from his face, and proceedes to SCREAM at him, cursing him up one side down the other. I call the cops, about ten minutes later they decided to show up (imagine that, it only took them 10 minutes to get there...Sheeeesh, I thought this punk was gonna kill gramps meanwhile) The punk backs off. The next thing you know, he starts in again. Starts screaming at Gramps again. In front of the cop. The cop tells him to shut up, he continues for a while then walks back to his car. The driver side is mashed in, but it probably made this car that he was so torn up about look a whole lot better. I wanted to go beat him down myself, but I didn't!

Im amazed and ashamed that this punk acted like this. He is probably my age. All I could think about was, why bother freaking out like that, screaming at this elderly man? What good is it gonna do? Sure, be upset, but to threaten this man and yell and spit & curse like he did was so uncalled for. There is no reason for it at all.

Well, Im off to go get Small fry. She had a big day today, I bet she is worn out!