Kelsey Klan Kreations

Monday, July 07, 2008

A snow maching jet ski?

This 4th of July was no big deal to us, it just meant a extra day off work and a good time to BBQ and gather with friends...It's never been a big deal in Alaska, simply because it never gets dark here in the summer. I was amused while at the "pits" watching a group of young people shooting roman candles at each other and recording it on video. I guessed it will be posted on It went a little like this. About 10 people stood in a row, shotting roman candles out of a homemade shooter aimer thingy, while 2 young men ran around and danced like freakin idiots an scrfeamed as if they had not yet hit puberty! when all was said and done, they laughed and cussed and lastly checked their legs and arms for blistering holoes in their charred skin. I was content where I was watching from afar, reminicing on the good old days when I actually thaought things likie that were fun to do! DUGH!!!!

Today we went back to the pits, and swam. Im am now sunburned, but excited to get swome color in my fair skin. Low and behold guess what I see? To my amazement, I look up as if I heard a snowmachine. When I finally cought a eyes view of where the noise was coming from, I gasped...IT WAS A SKI-DOO Snowmachine, skipping across the top of the water, full blast, till it hit shore and a cloud of dust appeared. Im watching in amazment when suddenly I hear the engine rev up again and a yellow streak flies back across the water in front of me again.

TODAYS LESSON: When you dont have a jet ski, a snowmachine works just fine!
Ya might be a redneck........


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