Kelsey Klan Kreations

Friday, July 20, 2007

Look out Alaska......... Here I come!

Im so excited, I can hardly wait to just get on the airplane on Monday night...Then it takes 5 hours from Denver and we touch down in Anchorage! Then we have a 5 hour drive to get home (Healy). I think we will spend the night in Palmer on Tuesday night when we get there, it's only a hour from Anchorage. Then go the rest of the way the next day.

There is a birthday party planned for McKia on Wednesday night with all the family and friends.

We plan on going to the famous "Anderson Bluegrass Festival" That weekend. (Unless it is pouring rain.)

Our next adventure will be heading out to moose camp, about 40 miles in the middle of no where to my brothers hunting camp that has a few ruggish "alaskan style" cabins and a nice creek you can drink out of.

Then a trip to Fairbanks. We are taking Carollyn to go check out the University there. (It's awesome!) I will show them around Fairbanks and maybe do some shopping and go to North Pole to see Santa! Fairbanks is about a 2 hour drive north.

Im excited to get out of Livingston for
a while. Im sure I will have a really hard time coming back here...but if all goes well, we will only be here antother year or so. There are some great websites on alaska if you wanna check out where I will be! Type in Denali National Park, Alaska. You will be amazed!

Ta ta for now, will post more photo's and blogs in AK, if I can get to an internet!


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