Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New glasses

McKia got her new glasses today!
She looks so grown up in them. The neighbors didn't even recognize her!

We are looking forward to going to Alaska. I talked to family today and we decided that we are going to make an exchange. We are going to buy fruit and take in a cooler on the plane to them. In exchange for the fruit, we will be bringin back Alaskan wild game. Sheep, Caribou & Moose. We are planning on going fishing too, so we will be bringing back AK King Salmon, Halibot, and possibly some shrimp and crab.
We also decided that we are going to make Fireweed honey (Oh so yummy!) and Blueberry jam. We will go picking blueberries. I am excited for the photo's I will have to share with everyone when I get back! I just wish I had a better camera.
So our countdown continue's.....17 days until we leave!


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