Kelsey Klan Kreations

Thursday, April 05, 2007

a survey thingy I stole! You should try it too!

1. Where is your cell phone?
on my night stand

2. Your Vehicle?
outside covered in snow :( Poor baby car...

3. Your hair?
on my head.......LOL (in a ponytail)

5. Your father?:
On the res.

6. Your favorite thing?:
My bed

7. Your dream last night?:
I had a dream about people dying and then my brother being here and some friends moving into a house next to me and they got really sick(?). Also, some other things I cant really share....

8. Your favorite drink?:
Decaff Iced Tea

10. The room you’re in?:
Dining room

11. Your ex?
Yeah....not a good subject!

12. You are?
kind of sleepy...confused, overwhelmed,hurt................. did I mention confused?

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
happy, health and skinny

14. Who did you hang out with today?
nobody yet, probably wont either because I have to stay home and clean *rassberries*

15. What you’re not?

16. Muffins?:
banana or blueberry

17. One of your wish list items?
CD player for my car, since mine broke, damn thing

18. Where is the ______ ?:

19. The last thing you did?
Shhhhhhhhhhhed the dogs before they wake up small fry...

20. What are you wearing?:
PJ's, my very favorite thing to wear!

21. Your favorite TV show?:
Real World & Dr. Phil, but I dont really watch much TV.

22. Your pet(s)?:
2 dogs, 1 cat and a turtle

23. Your computer?:
Dell.....Lets not go there

24. Your life?:

25. Your mood?:

26. Missing?
my friends, family and everything else....I miss a lot of things right now

27. What are you thinking about right now?
The outcome

28. Your Shoes?:
none right now, but usually crocks

29. Your work?:
certified mom/wife/maid/slave/cook/servant/secritary/fix it person/taxi/ect....

30. Your summer?

31. Your favorite color?



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