Kelsey Klan Kreations

Monday, March 19, 2007

Thanks for sharing

Small fry has been so generous as to give me the "crud" that she had and then some.
Im guessing it's influenza or Nora virus. All I know is, Im tired of being sick. The weather is so nice out and I would much rather be outside weeding my flower bed, or raking the yard, or well, anything but inside with a fever, chills, vomiting, ect...
I had never had the chills till 2 nights ago. I was freezing cold, shaking, and swetting all at once, I took my temperature and it read 102. I was so weak and achy. Started off with a simple tickle in my throat, then I woke up a few hours later and thought I was dying. My head was pounding, body hurt, fever, and my stomache was upset. The next morning I woke and felt like someobdy was sitting on my chest. It was hard to breathe, the normal cold syptoms. Later that day it just kept getting worse. I finaly got up and ran to the bathroom and got sick. I landed on the floor and thats where I stayed for the next couple of hours.
Things are a little better now, Im still really weak and my head is hurting. I think I pulled some muscles in my bcak from vomiting and coughing, so I am really sore. I still have that "zombie" feeling you get when you are sick.
Im so sick of being sick.

Small fry on the other hand is doing well. Still has a cough but is up and running!


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