Kelsey Klan Kreations

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

This morning, Kia came dashing into my bedroom at 7:30 am. I had just gtten back to sleep. "MOM, He brought me xbox games!" I hear in a high pitched scream! I came flying straight oughta bed and said Kia, you scared me. "come see" She replied. I stumbled oughta bed, and walk to the dining room! There was all her goodies from Santa!
G-ma Baca got her this ever so cute guitar! How cute is that! She will start learning how to play it from her daddy!
Here is Papa, jammin on the pink Barbie guitar!
G-ma Baca & baby dog! She is 4 monthes old now!
I got an angel from my mom & dad for my collection! I just love this one! It's so beautiful! The sun was hitting it just right! I love it!

My hubby is in Glacier Park with his family. I have not heard from them yet this morning, but Im sure they will call soon! I talked to him yesterday and it sounded like he was having a really good time.


Happy Birthday JESUS! Posted by Picasa


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