Kelsey Klan Kreations

Thursday, November 16, 2006

November is Prematurity Awareness Month!

"It's the #1 killer of newborns. Babies who survive could be disabled for life. Premature birth threatens the lives and health of more than half a million babies every year." - March of Dimes - I have decided to join the March Of Dimes. For the sake of my premature survivor, McKia. She was born 16 weeks early and survived. I am so thankful for her, she amazes me. To look back at these photo's that I took, or had taken while in the NICU shocks me, makes me wanna cry and stirs up so many emotions. Cry for joy, for faith, for fear and for thankfulness. The story of why she was born premature is too much for me to talk about right now, someday I will blog about it, but not tonight. Im in a ok mood tonight, and getting ready for bed, for me to explain things right now would probably cause nightmares and get emotions stired up.
Please feel free to check out the website.
On here I have set up a vitual band in honor of McKia. Just click on the pink and blue ribbon, perform a search and enter "McKia". Her name should pop up and then just simply slick on her name if you wish to donate anything to the "MOD". Even $10.00 helps.
Also, Thru the monthes of November & December if you wish, you can donate your spare change to "MOD" through any local coinstar center. ( in Livingston, it's at Albertsons ) How does it work? It's so simple. Go to your Coinstar Center, shoose the "donate" option from the on-screen menu, select the "March of Dimes", punch in the code # 1230. Then pour your coins and take your receipt for a tax deduction! It's that easy! & I bet you feel really good after you do this!!!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to check out the website, or give me a call! Thanks you all who choose to participate!
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