Kelsey Klan Kreations

Saturday, August 26, 2006

17 hours in 2 days....It's tooooo much for me

So here i am working on a Saturday. It sucks. It really sucks. I HATE working Saturday's more then anything. It's always dead in here, and the day slowly passes by. I should be at yard sales, or cleaning, or camping, or shopping, but nOOOoooOooooOoO.....Im sitting at me desk in good ol' Verizon Wireless uniform. (better known as "the black ninja suit" to my hubby!) To to it all off, I have yet another kidney stone on top of a kidney infection. So I am on antibiotics and Pain meds. Not really doing me much good, but sure is giving me the "screamin deamons" (if ya know what I mean)
Another week down, another week stating soon, Kiddo's back in school, and the leaves are turning colors. Such a depressing time of year to me. I HATE fall. I hate the ugly colors and watching the plants, grass, flowers and tree's die and wither away. So depressing.
Anyway, I guess I will get back to work now, to screaming angry customers. Smile :) It makes it harder for them to yell at me when I am nice and smiling!


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