Kelsey Klan Kreations

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What letter can you see...

Miss Thang had her annual eye exam. "Her eyes are about the same, Maybe a little worse" Says the Doc. Im told I need to patch her eye for t least 2 hours a night. Easy for him to say. It's so hard. I want to do this but it's such a fight, a struggle and well....a pain in my butt. She screams and fights me, I cant blame her, she cant see a damn thing. We ordered new glasses. Maybe these ones will last longer then a week. And maybe these ones wont put a hole in her nose. SUCH A STRUGGLE! Wonder how old they have to be to get contacts? Anyway...Wish me luck on this one, and Im all ears for any good advice. ( I will even take bad advice at this point!)
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