Kelsey Klan Kreations

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Customer Service Beyond Your Expectations.

Verizon Wireless
Wireless Connection

Customer Service beyond your ecpectations...This is the motto for the company I works for.
I guess they mean 10 hour days, 6 days a week. Cause thats what I have been working.
Im all ready feeling burned out. But the money I guess is worth it. All though I miss my family and keeping up on the house, laundry, family, church, friends grocaries, ect..
My friend in WA told me that I was abandoning my daughter. I hope she doesn't feel this way. Am I?
School starts soon and I cant tell you how excited I am for Miss Thang! She is so ready. & from the last few daycare bills I am SO READY TOO!
She will be in first grade all ready, seems like yesterday I could feel her kicking me from the inside out.


My parents are headed south from ALASKA in 2 weeks!
I cant wait! This summer has flew by, but I still miss them so much!
I wish I could have gone home to see everyone but I plac on goin gin December for Christmas. We will see what happens.

OK so thats my update on things here.

More tomorrow!


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