Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Letter to Jennifer C.

I have fallen, I have lost touch and bonds with my friends here in Livingston. My life has turned into nothing but a whirlwind of WORK.

I have been wanting and meaning to talk with my friend Jen, but I feel like I have NO time, no time to even visit with my friends. I have lost touch. So I figured it out. It's too late to call her now, or go over to see her (even though it's a 2 minute drive to her house from mine) I am amking myself sit down and write this note to her. In hopes that she will indeed check for updates on my blog.

I have not forgotten you nor will I ever forget you. Im sorry things are rough right now, but I know that they will get better. Im sorry we have not talked much latley or gone on our trips to BOZO, or coffee or breakfast. I so miss all these things. Im trying so hard to be a mom/wife/step-mom/homemaker/worker and have yet to figure out how to balance all these things.
We have so much to catch up on. I promise we will soon.
Just know your not forgotten.....



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