Kelsey Klan Kreations

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Fathers Day Daddy....wish you were here.

I just got off the phone with my Dad, He is in Alaska.
"happy fathers day dad"
"thanks sis, your the only one that has told me that today"
My parents drove almost 3000 miles to be closer to my brothers.
My brothers cant even find time to say happy fathers day to him, what they must not understand is that "OUR" father wont be around much longer.
He sounds tired, run down and almost depressed.
I wish I could help him, I wish I could make the pain stop.
I wish we all knew what was going on. I think we do but nobody will step up and own it.
My daughter wanted to be with her dad today. She wanted to have some "daddy time".
What do you tell a 5 year old when her daddy wants to spend time on the phone or with her big brother? NOT HER.
Here she lays curled into a ball on the chair, now asleep. She gave him his gift and he set it on the table, she handed him his card and he set it on the table, didn't even open it. Now she asleep. I hope your happy.

The daughter that he wants so badly to love him, "FORGOT" to call him today. The daughter that wants HIM so badly to love her is sitting right here.


My child, My daughter....I will be your daddy.

They just dont get it.......THEY JUST DONT GET IT


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