Kelsey Klan Kreations

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Sat. October 14th, 2006
I've been tagged!
(I guess I really just chose to participate, thanks CMHL)
So here we go.... Thanks Jen C.!

3 smells I like:

  1. Lavender
  2. Baby Lotion
  3. Alaska crisp air

3 smells I don't like:

  1. Oil refinary in Laurel
  2. Burnt Scrambled eggs
  3. Rottin Potatoes

3 Jobs I have had:

  1. Front Desk Manager @ Best Western Jackson Hole, WY
  2. Fire Fighter/Medic
  3. Floral Designer

3 Movies I could watch over and over:

  1. Cold Mountain
  2. 28 days
  3. City of Angels

3 Of my fondest memories:

  1. Mud sliding with Jody as kids on the power line!
  2. Pulling the fire alarm my last day of high school
  3. Levi Richard

3 Jobs I would love to have:

  1. Police officer
  2. Coumseler for families with premature babies
  3. Medic again

3 Places I have lived:

  1. Jackson Hole, WY
  2. Grand Junction, CO
  3. Healy, AK

3 Things I like to do:

  1. Writing
  2. Photography
  3. Reading

3 Of my favorite foods:

  1. A GOOD steak
  2. Ice Cream
  3. Hot bread and butter

3 Places I would rather be:

  1. Back home in Healy, AK!
  2. Shopping
  3. Anywhere with my family

3 Websites I visit daily:

  2. This blog
  3. My bank (in hopes that someone gives me money)

3 Things that make me cry:

  1. Sad movies
  2. My bills
  3. Seeing my kids get their feelings hurt

3 Friends that I am tagging:

  1. Dont
  2. Have
  3. Any

Hope you all had fun.


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