Kelsey Klan Kreations

Friday, September 01, 2006

Back to school

Where the heck did the summer go? I cant believe that small fry is back in school.
She had her first day of first grade and it was, in her words, "Awesome"!
The highlight of the day was getting a locker. She thinks that is Sooooo cool!
I do to actually! She is growing up so fast. Shw was wearing such a cute outfit for her first day! It's always fun seeing all the kiddo's all dressed up in such cute little outfits! Then a week later, after school has started, you go back and most of them are over the whole dressing up thing, back to the ol' T-shirts and jeans with holes in them. (All though most of them think that is the cool thing!)

The smoke is so thick right now. I cant stand the smell, it takes me back to my fire fighting days. Some good memories, but bad ones at the same time. It's so sad to think of all the nature being burned up. But one thing to remember is that after the smoke, ashes and black yucky stuff come the brand new grass and flowers and such. A reminder that GOD is here and can make good things out of bad things. Not sure if that made any sense but I know what I meant! ;)

OK, well, off to go help my hubby with the fence. More later!


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