Kelsey Klan Kreations

Friday, September 15, 2006


Last night was the night! It all started around 11:30, Ziggy's belly became rock hard. She was kind enough to come wake me up to let me know she was fixin to have some kids! I couldn't believe how fast the first one popped out. So tiny! I sat with her waiting for the 2nd one. Seemed odd to me that she had 2 giant black bubbles hanging out of her. I shrugged it off and thought nature would run it's course. But I had a gut feeling. After about a half hour, she still hadn't hadn't had another puppy. She broke the "bubble" and out came 2 little feet. Rear feet first, she worked and worked and pushed and pushed, This puppy was stuck. I wrapped a dry wash cloth around the puppy and tried pulling the puppy out. I tried so hard. I thought I saw the baby move when it first came out. After about an hour or so, I am still yanking on the puppy, Bawling my eyes out. Knowing that there is no way this baby can still be alive. My gut feeling was right. The puppy was dead. I rubbed it and rubbed it and massaged it and tried getting it some air. But nothing. It was gone. I cried so hard. Still get teary eyes thinking about it. I tried. So now I focused on the next puppy, I knew there was at least 3 in there. Out popped puppy #3 Then #4. All is well. We went to the vet today to check on everyone. The pups weighed in at 3 ounces each. Mom is ok, very tired and was dehydrated. I fed her 2 big bowls of food and gave her water when we got home and she seemed to be feeling better. Still looks very tired though. It's official! Jackawawa's!!!!

This last photo turned out blurry, but I was trying to compare the size of the puppies to my hand. You get the picture! Posted by Picasa


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