Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


So here is miss McKia in her costume! She chose to be an indian this year. Actually it went from a cheer leader, to a super hero, to a mermaid to an indian. I myself thought that Elvis would have been the best of all, since McKia & I jam out to Elvis on road trips in the car! Funny how she knows the words to the songs and such! She was VERY against the whole Elvis idea!

I stayed home today sick. I have had this nasty "stuff" lingering for over a week now. I went to the Dr on Thursday, the appointment lasted a whopping 5 minutes, and I was told, Yup your sick go home and drink fluids, you'll get better in 3 days, I promise. That was on Thursday. This morning I woke up and cant breathe and feel worse then ever, so I headed off to good ol' LMH. They got me back immiedeatly and got an IV started. Pumped me full of Steroids, antibiotics, and did some breathing treatments. Took chest x-rays to find fluid in my lungs. There I sat till noon-ish. Finaly, with prescriptions in hand, I was released and told that I would feel much better by morning as the medications will have kicked in. I am now on 2 inhailers (Atrovent 2 puffs 4 times a day, (albuterol 2 puffs 4 times a day) 1 antibiotic (Biaxin 2 a day) 1 Steroid (prednisolone a whole bunch ) 2 cough syrups (Cheratussin AC every 6 hours) & (Tussinex @ bedtime). Also Tylenol 3 for pain and aches.
I have not been this sick in a really long time. I think that a lot of this has to do with the radiation treatments I have been going thru. My immune system must be down. Anyway, enough about my sob story, or pity party as some would call it.
Hope everyone else is well and healthy. Prayers are greatly appreciated and greatly accepted! Happy Harvest!

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