Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

CPAP, & I cant sleep!

McKia has been set up with her CPAP machine. Im having a heck of a time trying to get the hangof this thing. She does great, I couldn't ask for a better kid! The only problem is that we cant seem to keep the darn mask on her face at night when she is sleeping. She wiggles around so much that she moves the mask off. I go check on her 4-5 times a night and put the mask back on her face, rather then her forehead, ear, chin ect... It's very frustrating. I have tried several differnt things thinking that it will help keep the mask on her face, but it still seem to slide off somehow. I have tightened the straps to the pint that they leave big red marks on her face, then I REALLY feel bad. So, today I will call the Dr. & see if they have any tips or ideas.

Today I am putting my notice in at work. I dont really want to work right now, I would much rather be at home taking care of the house, and being with my child. There is just too much going on right now to try to work. I hope my boss will understand and not be "difficult" about it.
I had the oddest dream last night. That I got thrown into a pond that was full of leaches. I was covered in leaches. I then had someone pour salt on them to get them off. These wern't any samll leaches. IM TALKING HUGE! The guy that got them off of me called them "ruby leaches" I dont even think there is such a thing. I have never had a leach on me. When he took them off it left this huge wart looking thing, and I said to him....look how nasty this looks. He replies to me, just wait till tonight when they start stinking. (?) I'm confused!
It's cold outside. I hope that this cold spell will kill off all thoses nasty germs, bacteria and bugs that are going around. I hear it's really bad in Billings. Everyone is sick with this nasty stuff thats going around. I was supposed to go t Billings yesterday to have my eye checked on. To find out if I am done with radiation, but decided to re-schedule. My appointment wasn't until 2:45, and they would have dialated my one eye. I was going by myself so I would have had to drive myself home like that, and after the snow we got last night, I know the drive would have been no fun at all. It's re-scheduled for the 8th, I will be staying the night in Billings!
Well, off to get everyone going for this chilly Tuesday morning. Have a great day! Posted by Picasa


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