Kelsey Klan Kreations

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I had to laugh today while at the thrift store with my pal JC. One of the employee's there said to one of the customers Happy VD....We all cracked up!
It's not much of a Valentines Day at my house.
I got small fry a few things and the hubby a bag of things.
In return I got nothing.
Go figure.
Im learning slowly but surley that when you become a mom, your recieving ANYTHING on holiday's are over.

I hung out all day with KC before she leaves tomorrow (without me I might add) to California. We hung out, talked, laughed, went thru clothes, laughed at the dogs and cats, told each other funny, yet interesting stories. All in all was a great time together.

I have this "thingy" in my throat that is driving me CRAZY.
Im not exactly sure how to describe it or what the hell it even is, but goodness it's driving me crazy. I feel like I have something stuck in my throat. I have looked as best I can to find anything but can't see anything. I have chugged water, ate bread, coughed, screamed, gulped, everything I can think of to get it to go away and it's just there.....DRVING ME CRAZY!

I also had the joy of having another ultra sound done this morning. I had one done about a week ago, went thru hell in fact to find a HUGE cyst on my right ovary, a cyst on my spleen
(we knew about this one. An old basketball injury I think).
3 kidney stones and ulcers.
The results are in...drum roll please......................
The cyst is gone off of my ovary, but there is a mysterious "spot" there now.
I am not too worried about it. But....the whole kidney stone thing.....I feel like I am in labor all over again. They are 3 small stones, they may pass or they may stay there and cause me some serious pain.

OK, enough for tonight. Im ready for bed. Sledding with the family got me all tuckered out tonight.


  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Jenn said…

    Hey...who the hell is KC???
    See ya when I get back!!


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