Kelsey Klan Kreations

Monday, October 15, 2007

Carving time!

I have never been a fan of this holiday. I dont like all the monsters, witches, ghosts and goblins. I dont like scarey stuff and there is a lot of it out there around this time of the year. With that being said, we mad happy pumpkins! Small fry enjoyed playing with the gooey stuff from the insides. I cant stand getting all that nasty stuff in my finger nails and all over my hands.

I have tried and tried to talk small fry into being Elvis for Halloween. I think she has finaly broke down and gone with my choice!

My Hubby & I are dressing up as a plug in and a socket! Very funny! We have been invited to go out with a bunch of friends out on the town the weekend before halloween! It should be a nice break from "life"!


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