Kelsey Klan Kreations

Friday, June 09, 2006

I think I should go back to bed... Im having a day all ready

It's all ready one of thoses days. Im not sure why, but I am in the worste mood. I have not felt very well for the last 4 days. I feel like shit actually. I cant eat, because it maked me so sick. Im SOSOSOSO tired. I could probably sleep for a day or so. I cant get motivated to do anything.
I have to work tonight, and that REALLY SUCKS...I hate working nights. I HATE IT.
I am completly homesick and missing my family more then a person should. I dont know if I will be able to go home this summer. The airfares are oughta control. A person shouldn't have to pay $800.00 dollars just to go home to visit family. Thats just for one person.

Its one of those days...


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