Kelsey Klan Kreations

Friday, June 02, 2006

What the heck is going on?

I have had the oddest few days. 2 days ago I watched a car wreck happen right in front of me, luckily nobody was hurt. I was a little shaken up (as well as the people who wher driving the cars) bu I was ok.
Yesterday, I was backing out of the parking lot at my work and slammed right into a telephone pole. NOT HAPPY. I scratched my car up pretty good, no dents just scratches, but still, I have not had this car very long. OK, so I go have lunch and getting ready to leave I look up and watch ANOTHER car wreck. This one was worse then the first one. This older man was driving down the road, not paying much attention and ran a stop sign, resulting in a "T-bone" crash into another car. The older man got out wwas calm enough, the person that was driving the other car was a young punk that needs his ass beat, He jumped out of the car and gets in Grandpa's face, were talking inches from his face, and proceedes to SCREAM at him, cursing him up one side down the other. I call the cops, about ten minutes later they decided to show up (imagine that, it only took them 10 minutes to get there...Sheeeesh, I thought this punk was gonna kill gramps meanwhile) The punk backs off. The next thing you know, he starts in again. Starts screaming at Gramps again. In front of the cop. The cop tells him to shut up, he continues for a while then walks back to his car. The driver side is mashed in, but it probably made this car that he was so torn up about look a whole lot better. I wanted to go beat him down myself, but I didn't!

Im amazed and ashamed that this punk acted like this. He is probably my age. All I could think about was, why bother freaking out like that, screaming at this elderly man? What good is it gonna do? Sure, be upset, but to threaten this man and yell and spit & curse like he did was so uncalled for. There is no reason for it at all.

Well, Im off to go get Small fry. She had a big day today, I bet she is worn out!


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