Kelsey Klan Kreations

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Im back.....Thanks to Jen

Im back on Blog Spot...Took a while to get motivated but Im back!
My friend Jen & I had a "session" on Blog Spot 101 today!
I think I have this thing figured out now, except for posting
a photo on my profile. All though, I must admit, I didn't
really play around too much on it. Maybe I can figure that part out
sometime soon, I LOVE pictures!

We have started the construction process of our yard after 2 years of living here.
We leveled the front out and now I am kinda lost at what to do.
I am NOT very good at yard work, landscaping or any of the like.
Having been raised in ALASKA, I didn't have much of a chance to
do much of that stuff. We put a shovel in the ground and got down a foot and hit permafrost. Makes things a little difficult on the green thumb area of things.

I cant wait to have a yard though! I am more then willing to learn how
to do the yard work!


  • At 7:16 AM, Blogger Jenn said…

    Looks like you figured things out!
    Glad to see that you got Picasa also.


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