Kelsey Klan Kreations

Monday, January 23, 2006

Its just another day in paradise....

Another day in paradise....My day started off crappy. I will just tell it to you like it is. I was late waking myself up, hence, Kia was late for school. After dropping her off at the school, I went to have breakfast with my parents. This was the highlight of the day. My friends in Colorado are getting divorced...ugly situation, (another time, another day I can explain, but right now, Im burned out on the whole deal!) Every 5 minutes my cell phone would ring, with one of them on the other line asking for my help in some dort of way or another. OK, So I am OK with helping, If you want to be helped, other wise, let me live my life and go on without you dragging me down. Thats how I feel about the whole thing.
It's an hour before I head into work and the school nurse calls me to tell me that Kia is not feeling well...she doesn't know what is wrong with her, just that "she doesn't seem right". Ok, So I head to the school to find out whats going on. McKia is sick to her stomache has a sore throat and wants to go home. So, I call into work, let them know I cant come in today, and find out all hell has broken loose there too. So, it's not just me. Im not loosing my mind....It's just another "Manic Monday"!!!!


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