Kelsey Klan Kreations

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Its raining it's pouring...

Last night was the most amazing thunder & lightening storm I think I have ever seen! I woke up to a big bang at about 2am, our windows wher open to cool off the house. I looked out the window to see the rain falling. The smell....The smell was wonderful, I imagine the smell of rain to be what heaven smells like, and JESUS.
I pulled the curtains, turned my rocking chair around, turned all the lights off outside and sat in my ol' rocking chair, just staring out at the sky lighting up in neon blue's. Lighting up the sky and the ground and the town and the mountains. I would see the flash then start counting until I heard the crackling of thunder.
Sometimes the lightening was far and sometimes it was near. I sat in my chair rocking back and forth taking it all in. I kept telling myself, one more lightening and then I will go to bed. Then I would wait for another one and another.
Finaly at close to 3am I retired to bed. Laying there, listening to the sound of the rain on the roof, the water falling in the gutters, the thunder and taking in deep breathes of the fresh crisp air. It was so relaxing. So peaceful. So intense at the same time. I watched out my bedroom window as the sky lit up. And suddenly I was off to sleep.
This morning I woke up to rain still. And all day it was on again off again. I obviously didn't get any yard work done today. The only thing I could do was pray that it wouldn't rain so much that my dirt ended up sliding into our "unfriendly, rude, old fart" neighbors yard! Luckily it didn't!

I made a trip over the hill with one of my very best friends. Things have been "up-tight" with us after a bad blow up a week or so ago. Im hoping that things will get better and better. We did have a good time. By the end of the day I felt like things are starting to get back to good ol' times. We had a good talk. Im in hopes that we can get together tomorrow to scrap. It would probably do us both some good to get together and do something that we both enjoy!

Good night all!


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