Kelsey Klan Kreations

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Day 2....I need an asprin now!

It's day 2. I hurt. My arms are like jello and ache. I have never raked so much in my life, From what I have learned about yard work so far is......IT SUCKS! I just wanna wake up tomorrow and find pretty, thick, green grass. I wanna be able to turn the sprinker on and run thru it with "small fry".
I have picked rocks and raked and leveled and shoveled more hten I care to ever do again. Tomorrow the guys are coming over to work on it. I still cant visualize what it's going to look like. I can visualize what I want it to look like though!!
My arms are sunburned and my left eye resembles the look of a cherry tomato. It burns and itches and keeps watering, I try not to wipe it, but man it hurts! (Flash back of Denver trip with the ladies in early March) I think its allergies, I hope. I would realy rather not have pink eye again.
Well, it's off to bed tonight. I hope that I can sleep, last night I was up all night with a really ba case of insomnia. I hate that! I have a ton more to do on the yard tomorrow.

I will post pictures tomorrow of the 2nd day of yard construction! Mayeb you can see the progress and let me know....It all looks the same to me!


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