Kelsey Klan Kreations

Monday, May 22, 2006

90 mph, drugs and driving...

If you are on drugs and driving at the excess of 90 mph on a lone Alaskan road, it's bound to happen.
I found out last night that a girl I went to school with in AK was killed Friday in a car wreck. Her name is Barbra Chapman. For those of you who watch "Dog..Bouthny hunter" it was his daughter. She got all mixed up in trouble, drugs, wrong crowd, ect... and in the end it took her life. Alaska State Troopers still are unsure of what really happened. They wher driving down a road at 90 + mph on a straight stretch and ended up off the shoulder and hitting tree's. Barbra was partially ejected. It's unknown at this time what happened. There are no skid marks or anything. The guy that was driving was wearing his seatbelt. They both were pronounced dead upon arrival of any help. The car they wher driving was a stolen newer SUV. Doug, her Dad, AKA "DOG" from the reality TV show, was getting married Yesterday in Hawaii, they planned on continuing the wedding and then celebrating Babara's life at the reception. She was 19 years old.
Anyway, enough for now. I will blog again later, when I can breathe thru my nose, right now im very congested and it's gonna drive me nuts!!!


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