Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Keep trying to hurt me

I cant stand it anymore. Here goes nothing!

Dear Child,
Im so sorry that you are so mad at your Dad. Im so sorry that you feel like your Dad was taken away from you, but really that would be your mom's fault. Im sorry that your mother has not tought you better then to be down right snobish and self centered. The truth is, YOU need to grow up and get real. Life is what you make it, in your case your making it a miserable thing. Stop pointing fingers, suck it up and grow up. You have so much potential and it's really sad to sit back and watch you waste it becaus eyou are so bitter towards the world. You really should seek some therapy, some heavy duty therapy. You have some serious anger issues that will get you in big ol trouble if you dont learn how to keep your mouth shut. Until then, I chose not to speak to you.
Good luck in life.
Love Always,
The Evil Step Mother


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