Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

honey wheat pretzels!

Kind of a crazy day so far. I took care of my niece again today, she blew her engine in her car from over heating it. She left today, her and her boyfriend stayed 2 nights. They kinda got stuck here. I worked today, nothing new there. I went to the dentist for a cleaning, damn my nouth is sore now. After this I went and got 2 truck loads of dirt for the yard. Shoveled it all out by myself with a shovel. That was tons of fun let me tell you. NOT.
Im missing my dad today. Was listening to a song and got me thinking about him. Wondering how he is. I talked to my mom last night. She is still sick, about a month now. Im not sure what is going on with her, but it cant be good if she is still sick.
I broke my toe. That is never fun at all. It hurts so bad. I have this bad habbit of bending my toes just right so they all pop. I forget about the broken one and try to bend it then peel myself off the cieling cause it hurts so bad.
Well, enough for now. I gotta go work on the yard some more.
More later.


  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger Jenn said…

    What niece?

  • At 4:51 PM, Blogger Jenn said…

    oh yeah...and what the hell does honey wheat pretzels have to do with anything?????


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