Kelsey Klan Kreations

Monday, May 29, 2006

We made it home...

We made it home...finally! What a long weekend, and a whole lot of driving! Things went well at Shriners, more details later. It's almost mid-night, we just got home and we are all off to work and school tomorrow. Kinda sucks, it sure would be nice to have a day to get back on the swing of things. Get things put away, laundry done car cleaned out ect... After the "excitement with one of my clients, I cant stay home tomorrow. I have to go in and take care of stuff.
We had a good time visiting with friends and family while we wher gone! Lotss of laughing! In fact, my friend's from WA are going to be coming to stay with us for a week or so, and family will be here in 3 weeks. Lots going on! My parents are really wanting me to come to AK too within the next 2 weeks, I dont think that will work out but we will see....
I have met a new friend, someone in which I think I will be spending most of my time with! She is so cool, a lot of fun to hang out with. She has a daughter that is 5, and I think she will be being proposed to soon! He is such a sweet guy! He can sing and play the guitar like you wouldn't believe! They came over for dinner a week or so ago and we had the best of times! We have so much in common! It's great having friends like that! She is my age and he is my hubby's age! Almost to the day! They have been over helping with the yard work. They enjoy doing yard work and I am learning alot from them!
I have another friend that I have gotten to be pretty close with too! She is married and has 3 kids. She is close to my age! They are Christians and go to the same church we go to! I feel that she is a such a good positive person for me to hang with! She is so loving and caring. We talk a few times a day! Our new hang out is the "Northern Pacific Beanery!" for breakfast!
Anyway. I was just thinking about these few people in my life and thought I would share my thoughts!
Im off to bed, Now that I am wired!
Good night

Im lost, what do I do?

Im not sure what to do. I feel that I have lost one of my best friends, because my husband has a BIG mouth. I just want things to be back to normal with us. Im not sure why things are "Awkward" between us. I really dont think that I have done anything wrong in the second part of our spats. In the first part, I opened my mouth to my husband, and I have apolagized for that.
So, Now I guess I will sit here and try to figure things out.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Keep trying to hurt me

I cant stand it anymore. Here goes nothing!

Dear Child,
Im so sorry that you are so mad at your Dad. Im so sorry that you feel like your Dad was taken away from you, but really that would be your mom's fault. Im sorry that your mother has not tought you better then to be down right snobish and self centered. The truth is, YOU need to grow up and get real. Life is what you make it, in your case your making it a miserable thing. Stop pointing fingers, suck it up and grow up. You have so much potential and it's really sad to sit back and watch you waste it becaus eyou are so bitter towards the world. You really should seek some therapy, some heavy duty therapy. You have some serious anger issues that will get you in big ol trouble if you dont learn how to keep your mouth shut. Until then, I chose not to speak to you.
Good luck in life.
Love Always,
The Evil Step Mother

Monday, May 22, 2006

90 mph, drugs and driving...

If you are on drugs and driving at the excess of 90 mph on a lone Alaskan road, it's bound to happen.
I found out last night that a girl I went to school with in AK was killed Friday in a car wreck. Her name is Barbra Chapman. For those of you who watch "Dog..Bouthny hunter" it was his daughter. She got all mixed up in trouble, drugs, wrong crowd, ect... and in the end it took her life. Alaska State Troopers still are unsure of what really happened. They wher driving down a road at 90 + mph on a straight stretch and ended up off the shoulder and hitting tree's. Barbra was partially ejected. It's unknown at this time what happened. There are no skid marks or anything. The guy that was driving was wearing his seatbelt. They both were pronounced dead upon arrival of any help. The car they wher driving was a stolen newer SUV. Doug, her Dad, AKA "DOG" from the reality TV show, was getting married Yesterday in Hawaii, they planned on continuing the wedding and then celebrating Babara's life at the reception. She was 19 years old.
Anyway, enough for now. I will blog again later, when I can breathe thru my nose, right now im very congested and it's gonna drive me nuts!!!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


My friend showed me this program and all the cool tricks you can do with pictures on here, so I wanted to share this picture I took of the flowers in my flower bed. Im not nearly as good as she is with photography, but I really like this picture!
 Posted by Picasa

Its raining it's pouring...

Last night was the most amazing thunder & lightening storm I think I have ever seen! I woke up to a big bang at about 2am, our windows wher open to cool off the house. I looked out the window to see the rain falling. The smell....The smell was wonderful, I imagine the smell of rain to be what heaven smells like, and JESUS.
I pulled the curtains, turned my rocking chair around, turned all the lights off outside and sat in my ol' rocking chair, just staring out at the sky lighting up in neon blue's. Lighting up the sky and the ground and the town and the mountains. I would see the flash then start counting until I heard the crackling of thunder.
Sometimes the lightening was far and sometimes it was near. I sat in my chair rocking back and forth taking it all in. I kept telling myself, one more lightening and then I will go to bed. Then I would wait for another one and another.
Finaly at close to 3am I retired to bed. Laying there, listening to the sound of the rain on the roof, the water falling in the gutters, the thunder and taking in deep breathes of the fresh crisp air. It was so relaxing. So peaceful. So intense at the same time. I watched out my bedroom window as the sky lit up. And suddenly I was off to sleep.
This morning I woke up to rain still. And all day it was on again off again. I obviously didn't get any yard work done today. The only thing I could do was pray that it wouldn't rain so much that my dirt ended up sliding into our "unfriendly, rude, old fart" neighbors yard! Luckily it didn't!

I made a trip over the hill with one of my very best friends. Things have been "up-tight" with us after a bad blow up a week or so ago. Im hoping that things will get better and better. We did have a good time. By the end of the day I felt like things are starting to get back to good ol' times. We had a good talk. Im in hopes that we can get together tomorrow to scrap. It would probably do us both some good to get together and do something that we both enjoy!

Good night all!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Day 2's work

Here is the updated picture of the yard on day 2. Looking better each day! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Day 2....I need an asprin now!

It's day 2. I hurt. My arms are like jello and ache. I have never raked so much in my life, From what I have learned about yard work so far is......IT SUCKS! I just wanna wake up tomorrow and find pretty, thick, green grass. I wanna be able to turn the sprinker on and run thru it with "small fry".
I have picked rocks and raked and leveled and shoveled more hten I care to ever do again. Tomorrow the guys are coming over to work on it. I still cant visualize what it's going to look like. I can visualize what I want it to look like though!!
My arms are sunburned and my left eye resembles the look of a cherry tomato. It burns and itches and keeps watering, I try not to wipe it, but man it hurts! (Flash back of Denver trip with the ladies in early March) I think its allergies, I hope. I would realy rather not have pink eye again.
Well, it's off to bed tonight. I hope that I can sleep, last night I was up all night with a really ba case of insomnia. I hate that! I have a ton more to do on the yard tomorrow.

I will post pictures tomorrow of the 2nd day of yard construction! Mayeb you can see the progress and let me know....It all looks the same to me!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Let the yard work begin!

Well, here we are Day 1 of the yard work process! Posted by Picasa

Im back.....Thanks to Jen

Im back on Blog Spot...Took a while to get motivated but Im back!
My friend Jen & I had a "session" on Blog Spot 101 today!
I think I have this thing figured out now, except for posting
a photo on my profile. All though, I must admit, I didn't
really play around too much on it. Maybe I can figure that part out
sometime soon, I LOVE pictures!

We have started the construction process of our yard after 2 years of living here.
We leveled the front out and now I am kinda lost at what to do.
I am NOT very good at yard work, landscaping or any of the like.
Having been raised in ALASKA, I didn't have much of a chance to
do much of that stuff. We put a shovel in the ground and got down a foot and hit permafrost. Makes things a little difficult on the green thumb area of things.

I cant wait to have a yard though! I am more then willing to learn how
to do the yard work!
