Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

41 Days Prego

Meet Ziggy!
This is my Jack Russell. I luv her to the moon & back! A very loyal dog she is! She is now carrying at least 3 maybe 4 puppies on that belly of hers. She is 41 days a long today, she is going in for an ultrasound at day 55. And from there We wait till she busts these pups out! She got nailed by a Chahua (not sure how to spell that, but it's the Taco Bell dog, you know what I mean!) We call them Jackawawa's. So keep wathcing for updates!

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

17 hours in 2 days....It's tooooo much for me

So here i am working on a Saturday. It sucks. It really sucks. I HATE working Saturday's more then anything. It's always dead in here, and the day slowly passes by. I should be at yard sales, or cleaning, or camping, or shopping, but nOOOoooOooooOoO.....Im sitting at me desk in good ol' Verizon Wireless uniform. (better known as "the black ninja suit" to my hubby!) To to it all off, I have yet another kidney stone on top of a kidney infection. So I am on antibiotics and Pain meds. Not really doing me much good, but sure is giving me the "screamin deamons" (if ya know what I mean)
Another week down, another week stating soon, Kiddo's back in school, and the leaves are turning colors. Such a depressing time of year to me. I HATE fall. I hate the ugly colors and watching the plants, grass, flowers and tree's die and wither away. So depressing.
Anyway, I guess I will get back to work now, to screaming angry customers. Smile :) It makes it harder for them to yell at me when I am nice and smiling!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What letter can you see...

Miss Thang had her annual eye exam. "Her eyes are about the same, Maybe a little worse" Says the Doc. Im told I need to patch her eye for t least 2 hours a night. Easy for him to say. It's so hard. I want to do this but it's such a fight, a struggle and well....a pain in my butt. She screams and fights me, I cant blame her, she cant see a damn thing. We ordered new glasses. Maybe these ones will last longer then a week. And maybe these ones wont put a hole in her nose. SUCH A STRUGGLE! Wonder how old they have to be to get contacts? Anyway...Wish me luck on this one, and Im all ears for any good advice. ( I will even take bad advice at this point!)
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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Beanie Baby

McKia Scored this Beanie today on our yard sales trip! Too Cute! Posted by Picasa

My Queen!!!

Miss Thang!! Posted by Picasa

Customer Service Beyond Your Expectations.

Verizon Wireless
Wireless Connection

Customer Service beyond your ecpectations...This is the motto for the company I works for.
I guess they mean 10 hour days, 6 days a week. Cause thats what I have been working.
Im all ready feeling burned out. But the money I guess is worth it. All though I miss my family and keeping up on the house, laundry, family, church, friends grocaries, ect..
My friend in WA told me that I was abandoning my daughter. I hope she doesn't feel this way. Am I?
School starts soon and I cant tell you how excited I am for Miss Thang! She is so ready. & from the last few daycare bills I am SO READY TOO!
She will be in first grade all ready, seems like yesterday I could feel her kicking me from the inside out.


My parents are headed south from ALASKA in 2 weeks!
I cant wait! This summer has flew by, but I still miss them so much!
I wish I could have gone home to see everyone but I plac on goin gin December for Christmas. We will see what happens.

OK so thats my update on things here.

More tomorrow!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I took this picture of the moon tonight...It was simply amazing!
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My insides are saddened....but im not sure why.

Im sad.
Im scared.
Im lonely.
Im uncomfortable.
Im guilty.
Im hopeless.
Im helpless.
Im homesick.
Im afraid.
Im tired
Im stressed.
Im sick.

I have so many emotions going on right now, I cant even begin to control them.
I cant focus.
I cant think.
I cant figure out where to go from here.
I feel betrade.
I feel angry
I feel alone.
I feel the loss of love.
I feel the loss of concern.

So much to say and nobody to say it to.
I feel so much inside,
I feel it beginning to overflow.






Monday, August 07, 2006

Madison River

Here are some fun photos from our camping trip to the madison river this weekend! My battary died on my "digi" before I could take anymore good shots :( But I got lots more with my reg. camera!......Soon to come!
Photo #1: Kia In the river
Photo #2 & 3: Erika & Kia "swimming"

Photo #4: Adam & his girlfriend "mo" & kia sleeping on the drive there! (too Cute!!)

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I posted blogs last night and they didnt work.......testing

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

4th of July

Me & My Daughter Posted by Picasa


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My Cowgirl!!

My little cowgirl!!!!! Posted by Picasa


I found out about a month ago that I have a tumor in my eye.
I found out about a week ago that I will have surgery.
At the same time I found out about the surgery,
I found out that I will start Radiation treatments.

I figured out today that I AM SCARED.

Letter to Jennifer C.

I have fallen, I have lost touch and bonds with my friends here in Livingston. My life has turned into nothing but a whirlwind of WORK.

I have been wanting and meaning to talk with my friend Jen, but I feel like I have NO time, no time to even visit with my friends. I have lost touch. So I figured it out. It's too late to call her now, or go over to see her (even though it's a 2 minute drive to her house from mine) I am amking myself sit down and write this note to her. In hopes that she will indeed check for updates on my blog.

I have not forgotten you nor will I ever forget you. Im sorry things are rough right now, but I know that they will get better. Im sorry we have not talked much latley or gone on our trips to BOZO, or coffee or breakfast. I so miss all these things. Im trying so hard to be a mom/wife/step-mom/homemaker/worker and have yet to figure out how to balance all these things.
We have so much to catch up on. I promise we will soon.
Just know your not forgotten.....
