Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Come to Orlando, Florida with me! Our trip in January!

Here is my dorky hubby! This was taken at Seaworld, we went to the Shamu Believe show. It was aaaaamazzzzinggggg! I had never been to anything like that before and was in awe that this HUGE whale was kissing a human. It was great!This was our rental car.....Here is the story behind it...We didn't have very good lucj on our journey there. We drove to Colorado Springs and then flew out from there, late. Our flight was delayed due to a wind storm, thus we missed out connecting flight out of Dallas, TX. We arrive in Dallas finaly. We get off the plane and there was nothing open. We had no idea what gate our connecting flight would be leaving from, and did I mention it wasn't leaving until the next day? So, we slept on the airport floor. wakening every hour checking to see if our gate was posted yet. We finally left the next morning at about 10 am. When we got to Orlando, our luggage was lost. We went outside to catch our bus to get our car and it was 83 degree's and huuumid. We of course wher wearing jeans and long sleeves. Now, we had no clothes to change into. We get to the car rental thinking our car was gonna be some piece of junk car because everything else had been so...well.....crappy. We went out and in lot 25 sat our car...A BRAND NEW PT CRUISER!
Here is our condo. Our home for the next 2 weeks! Look at that green grass in January!
I took this photo at Seaworld also. The water droplets made the rainbow. I really didn't think it was going to turn out, but it did!
Nothing like a Florida sunset!
Flowers were everywhere in Seaworld. They were so cheery and pretty!
This waterfall was in Seaworld. I sat there aand stared at it for a long time, it was so relaxing!
I kinda put these last 2 photos backwards, but oh well, you get the point. I had never seen the beach before. We decided to drive to Cocoa Beach one day. It was a hot day and so pretty! It was about a 45 minute drive, not bad, because it was all interstate. I was excited to see the ocean and the beach. We found a public parking area. We parked the car and we had to walk on the boardwalk to get to the beach! It was really neat because it was like a rainforest, palms hanging down and green plants. Then you walk up these stairs and then all the sudden there it was.....the beach! I loved it! I picked up tons of sea shells. It was great!
The boardwalk.

So we had a WONDERFUL time! It was like a honey moon, just 3 years late! We had no kids and 2 weeks to ourselves! We enjoyed each others company and actually had adult conversations. I t was like we were fresh, newly weds. We got a long so good. I missed the kiddo's and had a bit of a hard time with not seeing them for so long, but it was soooo much fun!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Thanks for sharing

Small fry has been so generous as to give me the "crud" that she had and then some.
Im guessing it's influenza or Nora virus. All I know is, Im tired of being sick. The weather is so nice out and I would much rather be outside weeding my flower bed, or raking the yard, or well, anything but inside with a fever, chills, vomiting, ect...
I had never had the chills till 2 nights ago. I was freezing cold, shaking, and swetting all at once, I took my temperature and it read 102. I was so weak and achy. Started off with a simple tickle in my throat, then I woke up a few hours later and thought I was dying. My head was pounding, body hurt, fever, and my stomache was upset. The next morning I woke and felt like someobdy was sitting on my chest. It was hard to breathe, the normal cold syptoms. Later that day it just kept getting worse. I finaly got up and ran to the bathroom and got sick. I landed on the floor and thats where I stayed for the next couple of hours.
Things are a little better now, Im still really weak and my head is hurting. I think I pulled some muscles in my bcak from vomiting and coughing, so I am really sore. I still have that "zombie" feeling you get when you are sick.
Im so sick of being sick.

Small fry on the other hand is doing well. Still has a cough but is up and running!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Im so freakin frustrated.

McKia has had a tummy ache for the last 3 days.
This morning she told me her throat hurt.
I didn't think much of it, and took her to school.
I told her that if she started feeling really yucky that she should go to the office and have them call me and I would come get her. She lasted an hour.
My phone rang and it was the school nurse saying that McKia had a fever of 99.7 and was saying that her throat hurt. I went and picked her up and brought her home.
I took her to the ER, but when I found out who the Dr. was I laughed and told them I would NOT see that Dr if they paid me. I turned around and walked off.
Im so sick of Livingston Memorial Hospital.
They are such asses.
I called the clinic who was slammed today and they couldn't get McKia in at all for a few days.
I got home and took her temp again, about 45 minutes from the first time and her fever was then up to 103.2 I kinda panicked a little. I gave her some tylenol and she laid on the couch and fell asleep. I called Bozeman ER to ask some questions and get their opinion. They said to bring her right over. I decided to wait for a little bit to see if the Tylenol would help.
Half hour later I took her temp and it was down to 101.5
I felt much better.
Then the clinic called. They wanted me to bring her in to have a strep test done.
We got there and they did the test, and took her temp. 100
The strep came back negative.
The Dr. decided that she wanted to see Kia, they listened to her lungs and everything sounded good. Her throat looks ok. They then decided to do a Influenza A test. They stick the thingy up her nose. Im holding my breathe that she doesn't have this. 6 people have died from it, and it has put a ton more people in the hospital. I was scared.
They sent us home and I awaited the phone call with the results.
The phone rang and it was them. The results are in.........................
drum roll please...............................
Praise GOD!

Now, we dont know what exactly it is she has, but she sure is miserable.
I just pray that this will pass soon.
I HATE having a sick kid. I feel so helpless.

Please say a prayer for a fast re-coop from this.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Miss Thang!