Kelsey Klan Kreations

Friday, September 15, 2006


Last night was the night! It all started around 11:30, Ziggy's belly became rock hard. She was kind enough to come wake me up to let me know she was fixin to have some kids! I couldn't believe how fast the first one popped out. So tiny! I sat with her waiting for the 2nd one. Seemed odd to me that she had 2 giant black bubbles hanging out of her. I shrugged it off and thought nature would run it's course. But I had a gut feeling. After about a half hour, she still hadn't hadn't had another puppy. She broke the "bubble" and out came 2 little feet. Rear feet first, she worked and worked and pushed and pushed, This puppy was stuck. I wrapped a dry wash cloth around the puppy and tried pulling the puppy out. I tried so hard. I thought I saw the baby move when it first came out. After about an hour or so, I am still yanking on the puppy, Bawling my eyes out. Knowing that there is no way this baby can still be alive. My gut feeling was right. The puppy was dead. I rubbed it and rubbed it and massaged it and tried getting it some air. But nothing. It was gone. I cried so hard. Still get teary eyes thinking about it. I tried. So now I focused on the next puppy, I knew there was at least 3 in there. Out popped puppy #3 Then #4. All is well. We went to the vet today to check on everyone. The pups weighed in at 3 ounces each. Mom is ok, very tired and was dehydrated. I fed her 2 big bowls of food and gave her water when we got home and she seemed to be feeling better. Still looks very tired though. It's official! Jackawawa's!!!!

This last photo turned out blurry, but I was trying to compare the size of the puppies to my hand. You get the picture! Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 08, 2006

Rain, Rain please come visit MONTANA

I cant handle this smoke. CANT. I have been sicker then a dog for the last few days. McKia was sick, she was kind enough to share it with me and Damon. Now we are all one big family that has a cold or smoke illness of some sort. The ashes are everywhere, I HATE it.

Im getting ready for my check up on Monday in Billings for my eye. We are supposed to schedule the surgery and radiation. Im so stressed out about everything. Work. Health. Illness. STRESS.
I will update on here as soon as I get back on Tuesday.

We are headed for Great Falls on the 19th. McKia checks in the Hospitol early on the 20th (7AM). She will be sedated for a MRI, then into her room for recovery and to have the electrodes glued on. We will be on the 4th floor. Not sure room numbers and stuff. I think Damon will be able to take the motor home and park in the parking lot for free. He took the week off to be there. It will help me because a parent has to stay with her at all times, Damon can come stay in the room with her while I take a break.

Ziggy is at day 53 in her expecting experience. Her bell y is really sticking out there. I think we will be taking her to Great Falls with us in the motor home. That way I dont have to worry about her having the pups while we are gone.......WISH ME LUCK WITH THAT!

Anyway...Im going to bed. It's off to work in the morning.

More later...


Friday, September 01, 2006

look out 1st grade cause here she comes!

Here's miss thang for the first day of school! Such a cute outfit! Luvs it!
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Back to school

Where the heck did the summer go? I cant believe that small fry is back in school.
She had her first day of first grade and it was, in her words, "Awesome"!
The highlight of the day was getting a locker. She thinks that is Sooooo cool!
I do to actually! She is growing up so fast. Shw was wearing such a cute outfit for her first day! It's always fun seeing all the kiddo's all dressed up in such cute little outfits! Then a week later, after school has started, you go back and most of them are over the whole dressing up thing, back to the ol' T-shirts and jeans with holes in them. (All though most of them think that is the cool thing!)

The smoke is so thick right now. I cant stand the smell, it takes me back to my fire fighting days. Some good memories, but bad ones at the same time. It's so sad to think of all the nature being burned up. But one thing to remember is that after the smoke, ashes and black yucky stuff come the brand new grass and flowers and such. A reminder that GOD is here and can make good things out of bad things. Not sure if that made any sense but I know what I meant! ;)

OK, well, off to go help my hubby with the fence. More later!