Kelsey Klan Kreations

Friday, April 13, 2007


So, nothing really new going on here. Same old thing! Im missing my family tons right now and have been in the "Funk" all day. I miss home. Need to go back to see people. Here are some photo's of home and my brother, niece and sister in law. This photo is of my brother while at at hunting camp. He has draft horses he uses to pack in and out.
Here is my brother out at his moose camp. My brother is the one on the far right.
Another trophy moose and a pretty darn happy hunter! My brother to the right again.
This is a really old picture, but here is my sisiter in law (Annette) and my niece (Hannah). I think Hannah was 4 here, she just turned 15 now! A nice photo of the Caribou though, and reallllly good eatin!

Anyway, thought I would share!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

a survey thingy I stole! You should try it too!

1. Where is your cell phone?
on my night stand

2. Your Vehicle?
outside covered in snow :( Poor baby car...

3. Your hair?
on my head.......LOL (in a ponytail)

5. Your father?:
On the res.

6. Your favorite thing?:
My bed

7. Your dream last night?:
I had a dream about people dying and then my brother being here and some friends moving into a house next to me and they got really sick(?). Also, some other things I cant really share....

8. Your favorite drink?:
Decaff Iced Tea

10. The room you’re in?:
Dining room

11. Your ex?
Yeah....not a good subject!

12. You are?
kind of sleepy...confused, overwhelmed,hurt................. did I mention confused?

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
happy, health and skinny

14. Who did you hang out with today?
nobody yet, probably wont either because I have to stay home and clean *rassberries*

15. What you’re not?

16. Muffins?:
banana or blueberry

17. One of your wish list items?
CD player for my car, since mine broke, damn thing

18. Where is the ______ ?:

19. The last thing you did?
Shhhhhhhhhhhed the dogs before they wake up small fry...

20. What are you wearing?:
PJ's, my very favorite thing to wear!

21. Your favorite TV show?:
Real World & Dr. Phil, but I dont really watch much TV.

22. Your pet(s)?:
2 dogs, 1 cat and a turtle

23. Your computer?:
Dell.....Lets not go there

24. Your life?:

25. Your mood?:

26. Missing?
my friends, family and everything else....I miss a lot of things right now

27. What are you thinking about right now?
The outcome

28. Your Shoes?:
none right now, but usually crocks

29. Your work?:
certified mom/wife/maid/slave/cook/servant/secritary/fix it person/taxi/ect....

30. Your summer?

31. Your favorite color?
