Kelsey Klan Kreations

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I had to laugh today while at the thrift store with my pal JC. One of the employee's there said to one of the customers Happy VD....We all cracked up!
It's not much of a Valentines Day at my house.
I got small fry a few things and the hubby a bag of things.
In return I got nothing.
Go figure.
Im learning slowly but surley that when you become a mom, your recieving ANYTHING on holiday's are over.

I hung out all day with KC before she leaves tomorrow (without me I might add) to California. We hung out, talked, laughed, went thru clothes, laughed at the dogs and cats, told each other funny, yet interesting stories. All in all was a great time together.

I have this "thingy" in my throat that is driving me CRAZY.
Im not exactly sure how to describe it or what the hell it even is, but goodness it's driving me crazy. I feel like I have something stuck in my throat. I have looked as best I can to find anything but can't see anything. I have chugged water, ate bread, coughed, screamed, gulped, everything I can think of to get it to go away and it's just there.....DRVING ME CRAZY!

I also had the joy of having another ultra sound done this morning. I had one done about a week ago, went thru hell in fact to find a HUGE cyst on my right ovary, a cyst on my spleen
(we knew about this one. An old basketball injury I think).
3 kidney stones and ulcers.
The results are in...drum roll please......................
The cyst is gone off of my ovary, but there is a mysterious "spot" there now.
I am not too worried about it. But....the whole kidney stone thing.....I feel like I am in labor all over again. They are 3 small stones, they may pass or they may stay there and cause me some serious pain.

OK, enough for tonight. Im ready for bed. Sledding with the family got me all tuckered out tonight.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Let it snow!

It has snowed so much in the last 2 days & I am LOVING it! I think this is the first time in a really long time that I am happy about the snow. For some reason it feels so differnt this time. I love the cool brisk air, the huge snow flakes and the clean crisp feeling of all the trees that are sparkelling with snow crystals. I love it!
It takes me back to home in Alaska, where I have not been in, well, going on 3 years now. Im in desperate need to go home and re-live my youth once again, and to see all my family there and how much they have changed. I have a niece that is going torhu the whole "gilry change" and a nephew who is going to be getting a deeper voice here real soon. Both are playing basketball there, the main sport in Alaska, next to hockey! Oh the memories.
I went to breakfast with a friend yesterday morning and we shared memories of growing up and it's amazing the diferent styles of living we grew up in, and there isn't a huge gap of age between us. All though she is older! (had to through that in there JC)LOL.
She grew up in California and I in Alaska. It's like night and day for us. I would love to go see her home, and would love for her to go to AK to see home...Perhaps when we are rich we can do these trips together someday!
I shared the memories of snow machining and the trips to "town" that we would have to make once a month just to stock up on grocaries...Keep in mind the nearest grocary store was a 2 hour drive North from Healy, as was the nearest Police, Hospital and Mall's! When I say stocking up, I mean stocking up 4 to 5 hundred dollars worth. It was a treat to have "real" milk. As we used dry milk, we couldn't get milk. We could if we paid $7.00/gallon. Then there is the ice-cream. We made "snow ice-cream" in place of the real stuff. Last night I was telling my family about snow ice-cream and have decided that I will give them the pleasure of tasteing it tonight. All though, Im sure they wont enjoy it as much as I will.
Moose and Caribou was our means of hamburger. We hunted to supply the family with food. Fond memories of hunting. Laying in the tundra taking a mid-afternoon nap. Waiting for the moose to either rise from naps or bed down for the night. Awe...the comfort of the tundra. It is truley like sinking into a huge sponge. It conforms around your body and there you lay breathing in the fresh air. Listening to the wind and the tree's and the birds. Miles and miles of nothing but tree filled land. No people, No Trains, no cars, no stress....just freedom.
I shared with my dear friend the story of us on one of our snowmaching trips. We all gathered at my house. About 15 of us I would say. All bundled up in our fur hats, gloves, bunny boots, and warmest attire we could find. My mom took pictures of us all and then we jumped on our machines and we were off. Some rode doubled up, some alone. I led the group this time. We went back into the resivour area, in the trees, dodging them as you come flying around corners. The Northern Lights danced over our heads and shined down on us, as if to lead the way. I remember looking back at one point and feeling excitment in my guts at the sight of all the sinlge snowmachine head lights shining thru the Alaska winter darkness. We had a great time that night. I still have photo's of it. I think we ended the night witha bon fire.

Just of billions of my memories....