Kelsey Klan Kreations

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WOW, It's been a while...

OK, so, I decided today, while talking to JC, that it is time for me to get back into the blog of things. I have been thinking about it, and meaning to start up again, but keep getting side tracked. So here is a list of things going on in my world...

1. Still living with another couple, waiting for something to happen with our house back on MT.
2. I am now laid off from my job that I LOVED. It really sucks.
3. My car is sick and needs to see the Dr.
4. I have a ear ache.
5. We went to Montana for 2 weeks, and returned home to AK on the 16th.
6. We are now planning our trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in May with 2 Ice Dog players and some freinds.
7. Ice Dogs won their last game in OT 3-2.....WAY TO GO BOYS!
8. The temp. is dropping again....great.
9. Damon drove 3 hours one way for work today, someone shot the fiber optic cable with a shot gun....Why would you do that?
10. I am so un-certian with the way things are right now in my life.

So there you have it in a nutshell.

As soon as my camera battary charges, I will post photo's from our trip.