Kelsey Klan Kreations

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Updated Version of my life for now..

We arrived in Alaska safley and in one piece. It took us five whole days to get here and we drove a total of 2600 miles. Things are very hectic right now, I dont know where to begin...I am staying with my parents in the Park service head querters, just a few houses away from my childhood memories. A good thing but also a bad thing as well. My small fry has started school at Tri-valley in Healy about 13 miles North of here. She is happy to have her social life back all though I think it's a bit different then what she is used too. My hubby is staying in the camper in Fairbanks at his work, 125 miles North of us. I think it sucks to be living this far away from each other...

I am all ready getting a little frustrated with not having my own home and privacy. McKia doesn't have any of her "stuff" and I feel bad about it. She is sleeping on the floor and I am sleeping on a Futon in the living room. I hate the fact that I am 30 and living at my parents house. Thank GOD for them helping us out right now though.

Friday morning I am geaded in to Fairbanks for the MRI on my knee. After that, I will go back to the Dr on the 11th to schedule a surgery date and see how bad the damage is to my ACL. It was pretty clear to him by the tests he performed in the office that it's pretty severe. My leg is yet again dangling from the knee down. He said that this surgery will be pretty major, a $20 - 30 thousand dollar surgery. I about puked when he told me that. But what options do I have?

So, needless to say I am VERY frustrated with my life at the time being. I am VERY ready to move onpast this road block and continue to aim for my goals taht I have set forth for myself...

More later, it's 4:00 am...