Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Alaska here I stay?

Im loving alaska and all it's beauty... My hubby & I have officially decided that this is where we want to live. SoOoOo...Damon has applied for 8 job openings with GCI (we could really use some prayer that he gets one of these jobs). I am staying an extra week to do some "house hunting". We have a few in mind, but nothing set in stone yet.
I know this comes as a shocker to some of you, but understand that it is to us too. We have really thought about, talked, and put some hard core praying into this decision. After being here together, we made our decision. Damon is home now in Montana, tying up some loose ends there and trying to figure out what the final game plan is. I am still in Alaska and will stay an extra week, trying to get things sorted out here.

I will post some photo's tomorrow. When my brain unscrambles a little.