Kelsey Klan Kreations

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Celiac Disease

Meet my 2 nephews and my niece. Dante is 6 on the right side, Kiara is almost 2 on the bottom and Tler is 12 on the left. Tyler is 6 foot 2 inches and wears a size 13 shoe. Tyler recently became very ill. He lost 20 pounds in 11 days. He was experiencing massive pain in his stomach everytime he would eat. He was seen by a doctor and they ran some tests. The results are in . He was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, an intalurance to Glutin. They wanted to do a MRI to see if there was any mass's from the disease and found that he has Spna Bifida L5 Pars Defect. Im not sure what will happen from this. They also found that he has Mesentreric Adenitis, this is when the lymphnodes in the abdomen becaome swoellen and inflammed. From information that I have gathered on the interent, it is extremely painful. Tyler will be going in for a Colonoscopy tomorrow at 5 (AK time) to see how much damage has been done to his intestines. Please keep Tyler and my family in your prayers.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We have puppies!

At 1 am my husband woke up to something wet on his feet. I sat straight up in bed and ripped the blankets back to find 3 tiny puppies with their mom.
After moving her and her new babies into the kennel and out in the living room, so my hubby could go back to sleep on my side of the bed, She continued birthing. 2 more. The fourth one was born and was in the sack a little too long I think. I picked the lifeless puppy up and rubbed it gently in hopes that it would start breathing. Thank GOD she did. And then the last one was born and ziggy was pooped.
So we now have 5 new babies, weighing in at about 3 ounces each, all are healthy and happy. Mom is doing well, aside from getting a little snappy at her older daughter, Chewy. Poor Chewy doesn't know what is going on, what these tiny things are and why they are making high pitched noises.
I put an ad in the newspaper today. It will run for a week. I hope I get some "bites".

They are soooooo sweet and tiny!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

summer fun!

Yesterday was a hot summer day and with the kids being out of school and BORED oughta their mind, I decided to have some giry girl over to play in the pool and have some fun. I ended up with 5 girls and a little boy. I brought out this body paint that you can paint the kids with and then spray it off. * rinses right off with water* Well.....not so much. We had Purple, Blue and red.The red didn't want to come off very well. But it was entertaining. It was funny watching the one biy who is 4 chase the girls and dumping water on them.