Kelsey Klan Kreations

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

1 month and 20 days

Meet my brothers! The first one is BJ with small fry. This photo was taken when he was here not too long ago. He normally doesn't look so "odd"! He hates his photo taken! This next one is of my oldest brother and his loyal horses Toxona, Fred & Elvis on his property in Alaska!
And of course I must respresent! ALASKA GROWN!
So I have 1 month and 20 days till I leave to head "North to Alaska"!

"but who's counting, right?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Blah blah blah...

We are back from our vacation. We had a really laid back time. We went to Columbia Falls. A nice location, right smack in the middle of Kallispell and WhiteFish. There wasn't a whole lot to do at the resort but golf and you had to be a certain age, blah blah blah, so Kia and I hung out together most of the time while everyone else golfed. I just cant see the point in golf, it is so boring that it makes me wanna puke. The only fun IU can find in it at all would be driving those cute little carts around and chasing all the high maintance snooty people. Or if I had a blow horn to set it off right as they are getting ready to swing the club to hit the dumb ball...

I did get some pretty cool picutres of nature and sights I hadn't ever seen before. We did go to the "House of mystery". It's a vortex, or so they say. That tings was so wierd. It makes you all dizzy and freaked out. WEIRD....I will post photo's of that later.

The pictures above are of Glacier Park. We went in as far as we could go, it was amazing. I loved it. I could see myself going back there and enjoying a few days. It was nice and relaxing. The water in the lake was clear as could be and glacier cold.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hot or Not??

Jen C. and I went to Pine creek yesterday and took some photo's.
Here is what we came up with. We had a blast doing the photo shoot! She is so talented when it comes to photography! I learn a lot from her everytime! The last one was taken on the way home as I was talking away, I turned and...snap! Thanks to Jen for all the fun! Lets do this again soon!

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I took this photo of the same tree today!
Love the blooms!
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I took this photo of my friends tree about 2 weeks ago.
I think it is so pretty!
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