Kelsey Klan Kreations

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WOW, It's been a while...

OK, so, I decided today, while talking to JC, that it is time for me to get back into the blog of things. I have been thinking about it, and meaning to start up again, but keep getting side tracked. So here is a list of things going on in my world...

1. Still living with another couple, waiting for something to happen with our house back on MT.
2. I am now laid off from my job that I LOVED. It really sucks.
3. My car is sick and needs to see the Dr.
4. I have a ear ache.
5. We went to Montana for 2 weeks, and returned home to AK on the 16th.
6. We are now planning our trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in May with 2 Ice Dog players and some freinds.
7. Ice Dogs won their last game in OT 3-2.....WAY TO GO BOYS!
8. The temp. is dropping again....great.
9. Damon drove 3 hours one way for work today, someone shot the fiber optic cable with a shot gun....Why would you do that?
10. I am so un-certian with the way things are right now in my life.

So there you have it in a nutshell.

As soon as my camera battary charges, I will post photo's from our trip.

Monday, July 07, 2008

A snow maching jet ski?

This 4th of July was no big deal to us, it just meant a extra day off work and a good time to BBQ and gather with friends...It's never been a big deal in Alaska, simply because it never gets dark here in the summer. I was amused while at the "pits" watching a group of young people shooting roman candles at each other and recording it on video. I guessed it will be posted on It went a little like this. About 10 people stood in a row, shotting roman candles out of a homemade shooter aimer thingy, while 2 young men ran around and danced like freakin idiots an scrfeamed as if they had not yet hit puberty! when all was said and done, they laughed and cussed and lastly checked their legs and arms for blistering holoes in their charred skin. I was content where I was watching from afar, reminicing on the good old days when I actually thaought things likie that were fun to do! DUGH!!!!

Today we went back to the pits, and swam. Im am now sunburned, but excited to get swome color in my fair skin. Low and behold guess what I see? To my amazement, I look up as if I heard a snowmachine. When I finally cought a eyes view of where the noise was coming from, I gasped...IT WAS A SKI-DOO Snowmachine, skipping across the top of the water, full blast, till it hit shore and a cloud of dust appeared. Im watching in amazment when suddenly I hear the engine rev up again and a yellow streak flies back across the water in front of me again.

TODAYS LESSON: When you dont have a jet ski, a snowmachine works just fine!
Ya might be a redneck........

Monday, June 30, 2008

Nothing New

This moose has been hangin out on the parks road.
She just recently lost her twin babies to a bear.
She has lots of scars.
A while back there was a albino moose haning out, Some believe that she may be part albino. I think she is just old. She is very used to the tourist stopping and taking pictures of her, she just keeps munching away on the willows.

Nothing new here, same ol thing. Still no bites on the house in Montana, therefor, still living in a camper in Fairbanks. Winter is just around the corner. We are still not sure what we will do.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fairbanks Sunsets

There is honestly nothing that makes me feel so warm inside and thankful to GOD for his creations in this world that compares to ALASKA SUNSETS!
I went for a drive the other night at about 1:30 in the morning. It's daylight all day and night right now. Tomorrow is Solcist, the longest day of the year, and to us Alaskan's it's kinda a big deal! There are parties all night everywhere in Alaska. Downtown Fairbanks will be blocked off for parties all night, stores are holding huge sales, there are live music and bands, but Damon and I are planning on attending the 3rd Eye Blind concert at the blue loon!
My friend here in town will be babysitting small fry, so we can have a night together. I am very excited! We will be meeting upo with some friends at the concert. Nothing like, good friends, good music, good beer and good times, all under the midnight sun of ALASKA! Awe Heaven!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Updated Version of my life for now..

We arrived in Alaska safley and in one piece. It took us five whole days to get here and we drove a total of 2600 miles. Things are very hectic right now, I dont know where to begin...I am staying with my parents in the Park service head querters, just a few houses away from my childhood memories. A good thing but also a bad thing as well. My small fry has started school at Tri-valley in Healy about 13 miles North of here. She is happy to have her social life back all though I think it's a bit different then what she is used too. My hubby is staying in the camper in Fairbanks at his work, 125 miles North of us. I think it sucks to be living this far away from each other...

I am all ready getting a little frustrated with not having my own home and privacy. McKia doesn't have any of her "stuff" and I feel bad about it. She is sleeping on the floor and I am sleeping on a Futon in the living room. I hate the fact that I am 30 and living at my parents house. Thank GOD for them helping us out right now though.

Friday morning I am geaded in to Fairbanks for the MRI on my knee. After that, I will go back to the Dr on the 11th to schedule a surgery date and see how bad the damage is to my ACL. It was pretty clear to him by the tests he performed in the office that it's pretty severe. My leg is yet again dangling from the knee down. He said that this surgery will be pretty major, a $20 - 30 thousand dollar surgery. I about puked when he told me that. But what options do I have?

So, needless to say I am VERY frustrated with my life at the time being. I am VERY ready to move onpast this road block and continue to aim for my goals taht I have set forth for myself...

More later, it's 4:00 am...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Carving time!

I have never been a fan of this holiday. I dont like all the monsters, witches, ghosts and goblins. I dont like scarey stuff and there is a lot of it out there around this time of the year. With that being said, we mad happy pumpkins! Small fry enjoyed playing with the gooey stuff from the insides. I cant stand getting all that nasty stuff in my finger nails and all over my hands.

I have tried and tried to talk small fry into being Elvis for Halloween. I think she has finaly broke down and gone with my choice!

My Hubby & I are dressing up as a plug in and a socket! Very funny! We have been invited to go out with a bunch of friends out on the town the weekend before halloween! It should be a nice break from "life"!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

News from me to you

Here is my lil soccer queen, #9 in the blue. She is so good! It is so much fun to watch her play!

We played Emigrant today @ 9am (yikes) They smashed us hard core. Their players are much older and are very physical when they play, hence the hand print on small fry's chest. (to put it in nicer terms) Our kids learned to be aggressive at all times. I think it was fun, small fry didn't think so.

Here is Mom and "Zues" . He is 13 weeks old and still for sale!!! Any takers?

Here is our Beautiful Older daughter! This is her senior year!

Now meet "Izzabella" a.k.a "Izzy" She is the sister of "Zues" and sooooOOOoOoOo darn cute!
She has been sold, it amkes me sad, but she will go to a good home!